Saskatchewan Mesothelioma Compensation
Contact us for details about how to apply for compensation for mesothelioma. If you have lived or worked in Saskatchewan we can help you apply to Asbestos Trusts that have been set up to pay people for asbestos-related illnesses. Our law firm only focuses on claims for people diagnosed with Mesothelioma. Mesothelioma has only one known cause, Asbestos. If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, the first question to ask is: How were you exposed to asbestos? Sometimes it can be easy to figure out, especially when you worked at one location, like a Potash Mine for many years, and can pinpoint your exposure to asbestos. In some cases, it can be a larger task to figure out exactly where you were exposed. We have the time and resources to figure out where you were exposed and make claims to the companies that manufactured asbestos products.

Helping Clients all Over Saskatchewan
Asbestos Trusts have been set up by companies that sold asbestos products and did not warn anyone about the dangers of asbestos. If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, we can help you figure out which companies to apply to for compensation. We have built a database of asbestos products that were sold in Saskatchewan and throughout Canada. We can pinpoint which years you worked with asbestos, and figure out which asbestos trusts to apply to.
Many of our clients come from small towns all over Saskatchewan. Some were exposed to asbestos through renovations to their family home or farm. Other clients were exposed during construction and repairs at Potash Mines and power generating stations. We can help figure out which companies to make a claim to in order for you to get a larger amount of compensation.
Contact us and we can help you receive compensation for your diagnosis.