Canadian Mesothelioma Law Firm
Mesothelioma Is a Type of Cancer That Has Only One Cause – Asbestos
We understand the uncertainty and emotional state after being told the news of such a devastating diagnosis. Our team is compassionate and insightful and will guide you through these uncertain times. Our lawyers have paved the way for Canadian’s to receive maximum compensation for their mesothelioma diagnosis. We are the leading Mesothelioma Law Firm in Canada and have obtained over $100 million in verdicts and settlements. We have over 15 years of experience with asbestos claims and have helped hundreds of Canadian Mesothelioma victims and their families receive compensation.
We are primarily handling mesothelioma cases at this time.

Secondary Exposure
Exposure Through a Family Member
Many of our clients were exposed through their parents or spouse. Imagine a normal Canadian family in the 1960s or 1970s. Dad would come home from a workplace that contained asbestos products. Little would he know that the microscopic asbestos fibers he was being exposed to at work would be left on his work clothes, to be breathed in by his family after he got home. Forty or fifty years later his wife is diagnosed with mesothelioma, and the reason is simply that she laundered her husband’s clothing, hugged him after work, or was in the same room.
The manufacturers of asbestos willingly covered up the dangers of asbestos and continued selling their products without warning labels for years. They chose profits over lives. As a result, workers and their families were unwittingly exposed. Some of our clients were just babies when they first breathed in asbestos fibers brought home by their fathers from the workplace.
Determining exactly when and where someone with mesothelioma was exposed to asbestos can often be very difficult, especially because mesothelioma takes decades after exposure to appear. However, we have the experience and expertise to ask the right questions to determine which manufacturers were involved, either directly or indirectly, and therefore which asbestos trusts we can claim from. Even if you have never worked with asbestos directly, if you’re diagnosed with mesothelioma we may be able to get you compensation.
We have helped many children and spouses of asbestos workers receive compensation for mesothelioma. Contact us to discuss your options. You need the best mesothelioma lawyer for your case. Our firm has handled mesothelioma cases for over 15 years and will help you receive maximum compensation.

Renovations and Residential Exposure
Residential Exposure | Renovations
Many of our clients were exposed to asbestos, not at work but in their own homes. There is a large range of asbestos products that were sold and marketed for residential homes. Asbestos is very common in houses built in Canada before the 1990s. Even if you did not perform the renovations yourself you may be eligible for compensation.
Common household asbestos products have been sold for many years include:
- Floor Tiles
- Drywall Products
- Joint Compound/Cement
- Insulation
- Wiring
- Asbestos Paper
- Ceiling Tiles
- Attic Insulation
- Cement products
- Sprayed Fireproofing and Thermal Insulation
- Corrugated Sheeting
- Cement Pipes
- Many more!
In order to receive compensation, we need to figure out which asbestos products you were exposed to. If you have been exposed to asbestos during renovations, we can help you figure out the specific products that were sold for home use during the years you performed the renovations. We have had hundreds of clients that have been exposed through home renovations. We have built a database of residential asbestos products that were sold in different provinces, from the 1940s to the 1990s.

Occupational Exposure
Workplace Exposure
You need the best mesothelioma lawyer for your case! The majority of our clients were exposed to asbestos in their workplaces. As mesothelioma lawyers, it is our job to figure out which asbestos products you were exposed to in your workplace. We do not make a claim against your company or employer, we only seek compensation from the manufacturers of asbestos products. All of the asbestos trusts we apply to are American companies that sold asbestos products in Canada. Our Mesothelioma Lawyers have built a database of information about asbestos products, where and when they were sold. This database helps us figure out what asbestos products you were exposed to, in order to maximize your compensation.
We have helped over 500 clients diagnosed with mesothelioma in Canada, with every possible occupation. From pipefitters, electricians, plumbers, mine workers, factory workers, mechanics, insulators, machinists, welders, construction workers, steamfitters, carpenters, you name it we have done it. Our Canadian clients have helped us build a database of asbestos products in Canada that are known to cause mesothelioma. With our industry knowledge and experience, we can get you more compensation than any of our competitors.
If you have been exposed to asbestos at work and have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, as a Canadian you have the following options. You can either apply to a provincial Workers Compensation Board or claim directly from the U.S. manufacturers of asbestos products through asbestos trusts. You cannot have a claim with the asbestos trusts and also choose Workers Compensation. You must pick one or the other. In most cases, we can recover a much greater amount claiming from trusts than Workers Compensation will provide. Give us a call and we can give you a free consultation to provide you with more information.
There are many American Law Firms that will say they recovered several million for a specific occupation, but this does not apply to Canadians. In order to receive this compensation they are suing viable companies in US courts, something Canadians cannot do unless they have exposure in the USA or are American citizens. These US firms are trying to trick vulnerable people into thinking they can receive greater compensation, but because they are Canadian they cannot have a court case against a manufacturer of asbestos products.
If you have been exposed to asbestos at work and have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you have options. You can either apply to a provincial Workers Compensation Board or claim directly to the US manufacturers of asbestos products. You cannot have a claim with the asbestos trusts and also choose workers compensation, you must pick one or the other. In most cases, we can recover a much greater amount than Workers Compensation will provide. Give us a call and we can give you a free consultation to advise you which route will give you and your family the most compensation.

You Have Options
You can either have a claim for mesothelioma to worker’s compensation, or our firm can assist you with asbestos trust claims – you cannot do both. In most cases, we can get much greater compensation than Workers Compensation will provide.
Do not choose an American law firm to handle your case. We have the Canadian legal knowledge to get you more compensation than our American competitors. There are many US Firms that advertise in Canada – beware they are not licensed in Canada. We are true Canadian Mesothelioma Lawyers.

Canada Wide Compensation
As Canadians, we have Workers Compensation protecting us from injuries at work – think again. Workers Compensation is there to protect the employers, not the employees. Workers Compensation prevents workers that are injured from suing their employer, instead of receiving a small sum from them. If you decide to receive compensation from workers compensation, they take away your right to make a claim anywhere else. You cannot receive compensation from Worker’s compensation and the Asbestos Trusts, it is one or the other. Normally Workers Compensation will pay much less than the Asbestos Trusts. Let us help guide you through the Trust system and get you more compensation than Workers Compensation will offer.
We Have Cases from across Canada
We have helped over 500 Canadians receive compensation for mesothelioma.
Asbestos is one of the leading causes of occupational-related cancer deaths. The latency period of asbestos makes studying mesothelioma difficult for occupational health researchers. Mesothelioma deaths in Canada rose steadily after the 1960s when workers previously exposed to asbestos began to suffer symptoms and doctors began the recognize the disease. We now know the average latency period is about 30 years after initial exposure, but in some cases, it ranges from 10 – 50 years. This means that in developing countries today using Canadian mined asbestos, an increase in mesothelioma deaths can be expected in the future. If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you need the best lawyer to handle your claim.
Asbestos Canada
351 Charlotte St, Suite 100
Peterborough, ON K9J 2W1
Hours of Operation
Available 24/7